This blog is a blog about the joy of reading, knitting and crochet, coffee and tea, dogs (especially miniature dachshunds ie mine ๐Ÿ™‚ ), cooking and baking, and various other topics that might cross my mind. In short, I try to keep things interesting by sharing the things that are keeping me occupied. Calligraphy? Board games? Who knows! On the Reviews and Recipes page there is also a sizeable and growing selection of book reviews.

I’ve been passionate about reading since before I went to school; my parents would frequently catch me reading cereal boxes at the breakfast table, I was so eager to read. Since then I’ve read hundreds of books, and I’m always eager to get my hands on more.

Want to reach out? I’m at kate AT


Me, wrapped in a granny square afghan I crocheted, with one of my bookshelves in the background