To dine like kings; to make fools of us all

I’m slowly getting better at adulting. I’m at the point now where things just seem to be working. The bills don’t sneak up and surprise me, leaving me scampering or paying late fees. I don’t go to the grocery store when I’m forced to if I want to eat; I go to the grocery store with a shopping list in hand. What really drove the point home was that I noticed the dark circles under my eyes are mostly gone. Wow. I’ve been getting enough sleep consistently that those dark circles went away. Wow.

I think one mark of maturity is an ability to stick with things, rather than letting things peter out, like the infamous new year’s pledge to exercise. Sticking with this diet is something I don’t know that I would have been able to do a few years ago.

Speaking of sticking to things, my baking project continues. I made an Apple Spice Bread this past Sunday! It was a hit at work again, gone within two hours of me putting it out in the kitchen. There’s definite feedback going on there; it makes baking so much more rewarding when you know there’s a bunch of people out there eager to ingest your creations. Anything that you want to try to stick to, find a way to give yourself positive feedback.

That positive feedback comes in especially handy when you’re adulting. Because it’s nothing if not exhausting!



Ooooh, a little piece of that definitely hit the spot.

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